Let's take a look at some of the fun from Mezomanie. First up are Susan and Tatum. Susan ran little Tater on Saturday and the scamp earned her first Junior Hunter leg. Susan judged the Juniors and Seniors on Sunday and so was not able to run her dog. Susan and Tatum made the long trip from the South with Cathy V. and her clumbers, Humphrey and Zelda, in a great big white Econoline van.
Now that's something to think about next time you happen to be passing a non-descript Econoline.
Click the photos to see the whole thing.
Susan tells Tatum to get on.
Tatum checks out a promising patch of green.
Spaniel afield.
Tatum starts a nice to-hand retrieve.
On to the water work.
A beautiful working dog.
Tatum trudges ashore, her JH leg but a hands-length away.
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