Thanksgiving in Ohio means a hike in the Valley, otherwise known as the Rocky River Reservation or metropolitan park that winds its way from Bagley Road in Berea to the Lake Erie confluence in Rocky River.
Cousin Dave and his wife Meg corralled 14-year-old Scout and 18-month-old puppy Trigger to meet Aki, Larsen, and me. We let the dogs run, play in the river, and run some more. The lanky puppy, Trigger, was practically giddy with his ability and desire to run.
After the hike, we returned to Dave and Meg's for a lunch of turkey on white with mayonnaise.
(click on photo for full picture and for photo show)
Scout was high-stepping on his hike.
Dave prepares Trigger for launch.

Off they go!
Road Runner and Coyote. Larsen does his best to keep up with the far swifter Trigger.
Larsen after Trigger (barely in photo) again.
Frank and Larsen pose for a photo.
Scout and Meg enjoy the sunny afternoon.
Larsen is beat after trying to match Trigger in the field.
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