Thursday, April 1, 2010

Road trip

TC quad

Chance and Larsen prepare for a road trip.

An unexpected joy of getting our first Welsh Springer Spaniel has been meeting any number of enthusiasts for showing, hunting, rally, obedience, and just palling around with these engaging dogs.

Recently, Statesman's Tiz Now Tiz Then ("Chance") stopped by for an overnight visit.  I had to give Larsen a lesson or two on hospitality.  After some huffing and puffing, the dogs settled down nicely for the night. Larsen slept right along side of little Chance, pressed up against the mesh of Chance's wire crate. What makes these dogs tick?

On Wednesday, we headed for the beach with the dogs. We took a brief detour to drop Chance off at Kim Parkman's Pocotaligo Kennels, as Kim extended a helping hand to Chance's owner MaryAnne while MaryAnne attended to some family matters.

Pocotaligo Kennels does a great job with training and maintaining the dogs, but it is melancholy, for the human, to leave behind a happy little spaniel.

Aki and Chance stretch at a roadside stop.

The boys tussle over water rights.


Kim Parkman's Pocotaligo Kennels provides a noisy welcome for all of us.

Kamp Kimmy.

Chance gets to know his neighbors.

It's tough to leave behind a happy little spaniel.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed your blog. I also have Welshies. You can see them at Have fun with your lovely dogs :)
    All the best,
    Cathy Miles
    Milestone WSS
