Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer workouts

Now is the time to get those exercises in that will pay dividends this fall. 

I'm going through my notes to determine what to do with Larsen.  I'll sign up for Rally classes in September.  Right now, I want to get him on the force-fetch table every day for a minute or two, just for the "take" and "give".  These will just be drills, since he understands the commands.  I have to figure out some "here boy" commands that are both fun and repetitive.  I'll work on these in the back yard.  Then I'll move beyond the back yard, probably with the e-collar, to reinforce and improve his decisionmaking.  I've noticed of late that on our hikes, calling him has turned a little more hit-and-miss than it should be.  Larsen is starting to look around before hightailing it back to me.  Unh uh.  Let's get this straight. 

Here's the list of commands we'll work on:

  • Here boy.
  • Hup.
  • Take.
  • Give.
We'll also do whistle work on the here boy.

I'll try to take 5 minute breaks twice per day and head out for a few drills.  Some of it depends on the heat and his attitude as well. 


  1. "reinforce and improve his decision making." Nicely put.

  2. Let me know the secrets to "here boy"!
